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Website Terms and Conditions

Website Terms and Conditions

In this day and age to trade without terms and conditions could be considered business suicide, with the adoption of a more USA approach to solving disputes in the UK. Protecting your business and laying out how you trade and intend to trade with a customer clearly reduces the chances of a dispute escalating as it clearly demonstrates how you will be proceeding and how you will deal with issues.

Depending on how you trade on line and what you offer will determine whether you need fully customised terms and conditions or just a standard form modified to your business. The latter is obviously the lowest cost option and deepening upon your requirements but with Terms and conditions the lowest cost option is not necessarily the best business option.

Website Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Options
  • Download Terms and Conditions from the Internet
  • Commission Terms & Conditions to be produced by a legal expert
Where do I find the best supplier of a Terms and Conditions?

The BIC site offers a listing of legal experts who specialise or have experience in delivering legal advice to online traders. You can find this listing .

Website Terms and Conditions

Downloading a generic Terms and Conditions has many business advantages one being cost as some Terms and Conditions are free as long as a credit by way of hyper link is placed on the page displaying the Privacy Policy. Alternatively there are also low cost generic download options from many UK legal sites.

Commissioning a Terms and Conditions from a legal expert is the premium option available to online businesses, but with this option you do get a Terms and Conditions tailored to your own online business requirements ensuring full protection of your business in relation to your Terms and Conditions obligations.

If you would like assistance in finding the right organisation to complete your terms and conditions complete the form below and we will send over some options for you

Further Information

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Website Terms and Conditions

Website Terms and Conditions

Website Terms and Conditions are essential for any business that trades online as it sets out what you are prepared to offer and do in relation to their purchase.

Legal Disclaimer

We do not provide legal advice and anything published on this website is our opinion, if you choose to use our opinion you do so in the knowledge that we are not liable in respect of that opinion. For further information please visit our Legal Disclaimer page located

Published by on 06/02/2011 at 14:46.
Website Terms and Conditions
Website Terms and Conditions
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