CMS Website SecurityCMS Website SecurityWe can recommend secure CMS solutions and who can supply them, many open source solutions such as Word Press & Joomla are just not secure as standard and there are many ongoing vulnerabilities that if you do not monitor for security updates can cause your business a head ace you just don’t need. Your business has a duty of care to protect consumer information under the data protection act and failure to do so can leave you open to a fine of up to £ 50,000. So even if you just collect customer names, emails and telephone numbers it is your responsibility to ensure they are secure. We Know about CMS SecurityWe work with several systems that can help you demonstrate your duty of care under the Data Protection Act some also pass the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards compliance requirements. For Further information about our CMS Security products please complete the form at the bottom the page. Even standard websites need to be secure - this is something that is generally overlooked by many website providers especially if your website collects any form of consumer data. Even if it is as basic as an enquiry form that is used for lead generation and especially if it stores and passes consumer data or data that is sensitive to your business daily operational requirements. To what level you secure a basic website is open to debate but we at Business Internet Consultant believe that best practice is surely the only way forward. Ensuring all the data you store and pass meets and exceeds any duty of care you would have under the Data Protection Act. With security such a hot topic allowing users of your website the knowledge that you protect their data and demonstrating this can only be a good thing for you and them. 1) All enquiry forms have a valid SSL certificate 2) All customer data is stored securely to PCI DSS* standards ensuring a high level of protection 3) Passwords to any administration area or user area include a mixture of capital letters, lower case, numbers and special characters 4) The server the website is located on is secured to PCI DSS* compliance requirements. *= Although PCI DSS relates to standards to protect payment card data if this level of security is used your website data is safe to a higher standard that would normally be expected and as such easily demonstrates your commitment to data protection and your clients information. Being serious about security and insisting that any website you operate meets higher security levels will put you well above your competitors. If you are told you don’t need to worry about online security by any website professionals you need to ask yourself if they are right for your business, how often does a week go by where data security issues are not in the news and would you want your business to be on the end of a customer back lash! As the old adage goes ‘there is no point shutting the gate once the horse has bolted’. Please complete the form below if you can complete as much information as possible this will allow us to direct your enquiry more efficiently.CMS Website SecurityContent Management System CMS Website Security - Many Dont realise how important this is until its too late! |