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Social Media Training

Social Media Training

Our Social Media Training consists of a fully structured day designed and tailored to your own requirements and needs based upon your current understand and abilities with Social Media. We will supply you with full documentation of the day detailing all points that have been covered in addition you will receive automatically three months email support on all areas covered – You can increase this to 12 months email and telephone support for a small upgrade.

The advantages of our Social Media Training courses are that you are not in a large group of other people, all with varying skill levels. This equates to you and your team getting an absolute dedicated Social Media Training session that allows all to benefit greatly from of it.

We can provide Social Media Training at the location and time of your choice, so if it benefits your team for the training to be completed on a Saturday it’s not a problem as we understand time out of the working week can be difficult to arrange especially if two or three key individuals will need to attend.

For example we can cover with Social Media Training:

  • How to setup your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Google accounts.
  • Understanding what social media best suits your organisation and why.
  • Gaining followers, friends and likes – Ones that matter!
  • How to manage and plan an effective and beneficial social media campaign.
  • How to write effective Tweets and benefit from Twitters own unique codes.
  • Engaging with Twitter Benefits.
  • How to avoid Twitter negatives and pit falls.
  • Posting on Facebook does and donts.
  • Using imagery to enhance posts and customer engagement.
  • Utilising Facebook’s array of functions and features to your organisations benefits.
  • The advantages of URL short codes.
  • Tracking usage and movement via Social Media to your website.
  • Introducing Video and the advantages
  • YouTube Channel creation
  • How to utilise video across multiple platforms
  • Social Media and your brand.
  • Other resources that can assist

Every candidate on our Social Media Training Courses will benefit from a full training pack that will allow them to make note during the training and refer back to later if required. We also prefer to provide a more hands on approach where possible and actually allow you to complete examples of the areas covered. This enhances the learning ability far more than just sitting down and listening to someone just talk about the subjects.

We would expect at the end of the social media training course that you will be able to complete your companies Social Media without the need for third party intervention.

Please complete the form below to inquire about our Social Media Products and Services, if you can complete as much information as possible this will allow us to respond more efficiently.
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Web Address:
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Social Media Training

Everyone who completes our Social Media Training gains valuable insight into the world of Social Media because as you are aware its not just about going onto Facebook or Twitter! Well not if you want results from it!

Our Social Media Training sessions are structured around your requirements with emphasis put onto areas that need more attention. Providing a valuable insight on how to best run your campaigns and the best way to engage directly with your clients.

Call today for Social Media Training or complete our enquiry form and find out what our Social media Training Courses can really offer your business.

Social Media Training

Social Media Training is ideal for those companies that would like to complete in house Social Media campaigns - We recommend Social Media Training and Social Media Training Courses.

Published by on 04/11/2011 at 21:31.
Social Media Training
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