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Website Legal Information

Website Legal Information

Although we are not solicitors we do spend a lot of time assisting with contracts and contract resolutions and in some circumstances are required to provide expert witness statements in court. All of these services are available to both sides of the dispute and unlike other options available all we do is deal with website developments and the issues that arise from them.

In many circumstances where a dispute arises these can be resolved without the need for both parties to enter into full litigation, from our experience communication and understanding are the major causes for disputes.

Obviously ensuring a contract is in place for any development with clear agreed specifications and time lines supported by a mutually beneficial payment plan will eliminate many disputes or form a basis to get redress.

This section of our site is designed to help you ensure you put the correct documents and process in place and in the event you need to find a specialist who can assist.

If you are involved in a legal services company that specialises in website contracts and litigation and would like to provide information for this section

Published by on 11/09/2011 at 20:59.
Website non disclosure agreements allows the free flow of information and protection of that information for the disclosing party. this is called a Website Non Disclosure Agreement.
Publishing your website Privacy Policy is important as it allows people know what you will do with their data.
Website Terms and Conditions are essential for any business that trades online as it sets out what you are prepared to offer and do in relation to their purchase.
Website Development Contracts are essential if the development involves the production of code as these types of websites suffer with most disputes, ensuring fully detailed contracts are in place is considered best practice.
Not all companies will need a separate contract in place when ordering website design as long as there is an official quotation, official order and confirmation of order detailing all points in place.
When employing the services of an SEO specialist it would be advisable to have a contract in place that clearly shows what is meant to be achieved and by when as SEO is not regulated and sometime unquantifiable.
Website hosting contracts are essential for companies who offer website hosting services or receive them.
Customers who do not pay for their website development can cause undue pressure on a web companies finances, settling any dispute early can ease these pressures.
Unfinished Website Development - Finding out why your development has stalled and putting it back on track.
Alternative dispute resolution can be a good way to resolve website development or service disputes without the need to incur the time or expense that would be involved with Court.
Website litigation assistance can be needed when existing lines of communication are not getting any results or a view is needed on the options available to resolve any dispute.
Website Expert Witness Services for website developments that are in dispute, we can assess and provide witness statements.
Legal Services solicitors and companies that specialise in website legal services allowing you savings in time and money to source an expert.
We do not provide legal advice and anything published on this website is our opinion, if you choose to use our opinion you do so in the knowledge that we are not liable in respect of that opinion.

Website Legal Information

We do not provide legal advice and anything published on this website is our opinion, if you choose to use our opinion you do so in the knowledge that we are not liable in respect of that opinion. For further information please visit our Legal Disclaimer page located

Web Legal
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