Website SEO ContractsWebsite SEO ContractsWebsite SEO Contracts are offered by many companies that supply SEO services, some of these companies will tie you into a 12 month SEO contract commitment one that you cannot break without a breach of contract. We strenuously recommend when asked to sign any such contract that you pass to an expert to examine and to confirm what you are getting. SEO is not a regulated industry and there are no official guidelines for companies to follow, so quantifying and quantifying what you will be getting for your money can and should be done and confirmed in writing. We recommend that success of an SEO campaign should be based upon results and if these results are not achieved within a set time scale an option to cancel the contract should be available. Any SEO company not prepared to offer this should be avoided unless it is agreed by both parties that failure to gain results will not be an issue. Remember when entering any contract to assess what your total liability is and how this would affect your business, SEO in many cases is unquantifiable and as such should be treated with caution. Always get references, assess the proposed suppliers previous campaigns, ensure you only select a company that can offer a guarantee or insurance and that if that relates to money being paid back that they have this available! is able to offer advice and assistance when considering an SEO supplier and can even supply details of companies that we have checked and that prove they deliver results. If you would like us to assist with your SEO contract or the short listing of SEO supplier please complete the form below.
The BIC site offers a listing of legal experts who specialise or have experience in delivering legal advice to online traders. You can find this listing here. Downloading a generic Website SEO Contracts has many business advantages one being cost as some Website SEO Contracts are free as long as a credit by way of hyper link is placed on the page displaying the Website SEO Contracts. Alternatively there are also low cost generic download options from many UK legal sites. Commissioning a Website SEO Contracts from a legal expert is the premium option available to online businesses, but with this option you do get Website SEO Contracts tailored to your own online business requirements ensuring full protection of your business in relation to your Website SEO Contracts obligations. Further InformationPlease complete the form below if you can complete as much information as possible this will allow us to direct your enquiry more efficiently. Website SEO ContractsWhen employing the services of an SEO specialist it would be advisable to have a contract in place that clearly shows what is meant to be achieved and by when as SEO is not regulated and sometime unquantifiable. Legal DisclaimerWe do not provide legal advice and anything published on this website is our opinion, if you choose to use our opinion you do so in the knowledge that we are not liable in respect of that opinion. For further information please visit our Legal Disclaimer page located here |