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Website Design Quotes

Website Design Quotes

Ensuring that you are dealing with a Website designer that can deliver the website you are after is the first stage in creating your short list.

Here at BIC we offer a free Website designer consultancy service that allows for you to complete one simple form and a member of our team will contact you to run through your requirements, we will then pass your details across to a couple of website design agencies who have already meet the minimum requirements and will be able to quote for the supply of your website design

Remember this service is completely free of charge

Please complete the form below if you can complete as much information as possible this will allow us to direct your enquiry more efficiently.

Your Details
First Name:
Web Address:
Preferred Contact Information
Your Enquiry
Product you are looking for: (Please select all you require)
When are you looking to start this project?:
When would you like to be contacted?:
Further Information
Please compete the following box if you feel further information could be more useful in dealing with your enquiry:

Website Design Quotes

Website Design Quotes

As Website Design Consultants we understand what is needed for a successful website from practicality, usability as well as security, so we will only recommend website design agencies that can deliver based upon these fundamental requirements.

The design of your website is the first thing many potential customers see as your website in many circumstances is the first contact between a new client and yourself. It is important that your website design is not only clear and easy to follow but logical and is designed for your target market.

The prices charged for Website design varies dramatically and also if the website is being put onto a content management system this can influence the costs and ongoing managements costs as some content management systems are notorious for having ongoing security issues that regularly need addressing. A good website design agency will select a content management system for the design that will not provide ongoing costs just to keep it secure.

Website design is not something that we recommend to be passed to organisations based in foreign countries as a direct contact and communication understanding between the designer and the customer is something that could be classed as invaluable.

Website Designers should be proactive in ensuring your website gets a design to meet with your current branding or if re-branding then to flow and be recognisable as a website from your organisation. Customer recognition is very important for companies and is sometime overlooked

Website Design Quotes from companies who can deliver the highest standard of design with a proven track record.

Published by on 22/09/2011 at 12:58.
Website Design Quotes
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