Ecommerce SecurityEcommerce SecurityEcommerce security is at the forefront of any responsible online trader these days and ensuring that any online ecommerce system meets with the highest levels of security possible not only demonstrates best practice but ensures business continuity. With website data security being a very sensitive subject currently it is important that you show clients that you are serious out protecting their details and that means not just their card details but also their personal information. Protecting your clients details is covered under the UK Data Protection Act and as such you have a duty of care to protect this data and ensure it is not compromised, failure to put adequate security and procedures in place can result in fines from both the Payment Card Industry under the PCI DSS requirements and the Information Commissioners Office under the UK Data Protection Act. Remember it is your businesses liability to ensure your ecommerce website is secure and not your website providers. We recommend that you subscribe to a PCI DSS scan system, these are available from a multitude of suppliers who are approved by the Payment Card Industry. Further information about approved scan providers can be found -n our scan providers section. Should I just take the word of my ecommerce supplier that my ecommerce system is secure?At no point in business should you accept the word of a third party unless it is in writing and you are confident you can recover any losses or costs that may occur from the third party if needed, remember it is your business and livelihood that would be affected. How can I show my customers that my website is secure?There are several ways you can demonstrate to clients and potential clients that your website is secure, most providers of PCI DSS scans offer verification logo’s for websites that are PCI DSS compliant. In addition to this there are also schemes like McAfee Secure that takes security verification to another level, these schemes offer added piece of mind for customers as you demonstrate to them that you subscribe to their schemes. These schemes also state that by using their schemes there is an increase in sales on sites that are members of these schemes. Additionally or alternatively you can also increase your websites SSL certificate type to one that interfaces with major browsers to demonstrate a higher security level, this type of SSL certificates can be purchased from all high quality SSL certificate suppliers. See our SSL certificate section for further information. Technically in some cases you may not need one, but we would recommend one because many experts on TV and in the press clearly guide website shoppers to look for the security certificate of a site. Additionally you should also not only protect card holder data but also all personal data as well, by ensuring all this data is collected in https mode with a valid up to date SSL certificate will assist with this. So basically we strenuously recommend all ecommerce website have SSL certificates installed. Please complete the form below if you can complete as much information as possible this will allow us to direct your enquiry more efficiently. Ecommerce SecurityEcommerce Security Consultancy Specifying Procurement ensuring online security for your business website needs. |